Romans 10:1 “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.”
Throughout Paul’s ministry, the Jewish people were not kind to Paul. He faced riots, stoning, and incarceration at their hands. Paul could have held this against them. He could have allowed their treatment of him to hinder his ministry toward them and others. Instead, he held them up in prayer andtestified in Romans 10:1 that it was his “heart’s desire…that they might be saved.”
The world is not always kind to us as Christians. In the United States, we may be mocked or criticized for what we believe. In other countries, Christians are jailed, separated from family, or killed for what they believe. Regardless, we are commanded in the Bible to love those who hate us and to tell them of Christ. In Romans 10:14, Paul asks, “How will these people hear, except someone tells them?”
Can we overlook the hate and ridicule and still love the people? Can we see their need for a Savior? As we go throughout our day and see the hundreds of people around us, do we see them as eternal souls deadin sin? Can we look at them and see the potential that God sees? So much has happened over this past year, and people are searching for answers. We have the most important answer of all. Do not let the fear of what they think of you stop you from sharing Jesus with them.
Mrs. Christina Renshaw