There were two elderly Scottish ladies who had a burden for their church. It was dying, and there was a scarcity of young people serving the Lord. These ladies began holding prayer meetings twice a week from 10 pm-3 am. These prayer meetings were the beginning of a revival that swept the Hebrides Islands, known today as the Hebrides Revival. These ladies demonstrate three truths found in Jeremiah 33:3.
I. The calling – “Call unto me.”
It is interesting that this word “call” used here means “to call someone out by name.” This reminds me of my son Andrew, a chocolate lover. When Andrew wants some chocolate, he does not hesitate to ask. He has boldness to come and ask for what he desires most. Do we call out to God in this same way? We can come boldly to the throne of God and ask for the needs that are on our heart, just as a child would to his parent.
II. The answer – “I will answer thee.”
What a great promise this is! God will always give us an answer. Once again, I am reminded of my children. They will always get an answer when they come ask something of their mom or dad. The Lord promises here that He will give an answer when we call. We know the Lord wants what is best for us, and we know the Lord wants to take care of us. Even if the wait is long and the answer is not what we want to hear, the Lord promised the answer will come.
III. The opening – “Shew thee great and mighty things.”
In the last part of this verse, we see the Lord opening the eyes of those who call on Him to show them His power and glory. As Christians, we have the opportunity to see things that the unsaved do not. We see answers to our prayers. Even when at times it is not what we envisioned, we get to see how the Lord works it out for good. God wants to show us His power, and God wants to show us His blessing. To see His power and blessing, we must be willing to take that first step in calling out to Him. When we are willing to receive His answer, we are then able to see the great and mighty things God has for us.
Ladies, as we enter the new year, let us take this verse to heart. Let’s call out to our Lord and see the answers to our prayer needs that lie heavy on our hearts.
Mrs. Christina Renshaw